Why keeping social distance is a difficult task for humans.

Umer Baloch
3 min readApr 16, 2020

Humans are social animals Aristotle said,

very well said, and thats why keeping social dstance in this status que of danger, and virus is very difficult for the social animals.

As Crona virus broke out last year in China (It will be useless if I write about it because the people writebalot aboutbitnand the eloctronic media also playing its role in this matter, so get straight into the point). It pervaded the entire world and slowly hijacked the entire humanity and imprisoned them into homes and forced them to keep social distance.

Like all responsible governaments Pakistani governament also took expidicous steps and imposed strick rules on social gatherings. But as it was expected, the people of Pakistan are not taking it seriously.

Here quesion arises in minds that why it is so difficult ? Why we people are not taking this virus seriously ? And why we are not understanding the upcoming consiquences of this Crona virus ? here are some are some psycological answers.


It is a mental shortcut that relies an immediate examples that comes to given person's mind when evaluating a specific event, topic or disaster .

The gist of this fact is that for comprehending a topic, event or diaster we need an example from past. So one of the main reasons, why we are not taking crona virus seriously is because we are unable to understand the nature of this virus and its consequences. Because in our country's history we have never experienced such plague. At the time of Spianish flu we did not even exist. We make fun of this virus and do not follow the instructions of keeping social distance because we do not know the consequences of it, we are unexperienced in this matter.


It is a desire of an immidiate reward over a delayed but more valuable reward.

keeping social distance will give us the valuable reward of eridicating this crona virus from earth, we can break the chain of deaths and can prevent the harsh consequences that are expected to be happend. But instead of doing this heroic deed we want an immidiate reward which can kill this boredom, we want to finish this solitary. We want an immidiate reward instead of more valuable and needed reward.


It is a tendency for people to believe that things will function in the way they normally have functioned in the past. This may result in situations where people fail to adequatly prepare themselves for a disaster.

We all are cracking jokes and making memes of this virus, we also make fun of them who have kept social distance. We are not taking this virus seriously because we think that the things will happen in the way that they have functioned before. We think this virus will finish, this time will pass; we think nothing will happen to us, we ignore that something can happen with us too. This death chain can kill us too.

We need to take it seriously and need tonfollow the precautions . If you do not want to do it for yourself; do it for our innocent planet and for humanity.

